Online Application Form

Current Application
Status List

Last updated: Jun 11, 2024


High school assistant principals overseeing the International Cultural Exchange Program in Spokane Public Schools have collaborated and revised the procedures regarding approval and registration for cultural exchange students for fall enrollment. This revised process will not only provide better communication between high schools and CSIET representatives, but will ultimately be more consistent and efficient in getting students approved and placed at all schools.

If you have questions about district policy and procedure, please access the following weblinks: Please follow these guidelines and direct questions to

The window for new application submissions is currently closed.

When submissions reopen, student candidates must meet all of the guidelines listed below, and you will need to upload the student's full application form, in PDF format. The file must include evidence of the student meeting all of the screening guidelines, and must include the student acceptance form.


Student Screening Guidelines

The following guidelines must be met: